Generate eBook is the final step in creating your e-book file with eBookGold.


Before generating your book, you should save your Project, so you can easily make changes and manage your e-book's configuration later.

To Save your Project:  Click the File menu and select Save Project As.  Select a name and location for your project file (do not save it in the Project Folder with your HTML.

To Open an existing Project:  Click the File menu and select Open Project.  Locate your .ebf Project File and click Open.

When generated, your e-book file will be in .exe format.  Your e-book project is saved in .ebf format.

The File menu will allow you to open or save a project, and also skip to the generate step.

To later make changes to...
Your e-book's pages (text & pictures):
  1. Make changes directly to the HTML and files located in your Project Folder.
  2. Run eBookGold and Open your existing Project File.
  3. If you have moved your Project Folder since you last generated your e-book you will have to locate it again on the Project Files screen.
  4. Go to the Generate eBook screen
  5. Confirm your Destination File name and folder are correct.
  6. Click Generate eBook.
To later make changes to...
Your e-book's window or security settings:
  1. Run eBookGold and Open your existing Project File.
  2. If you have moved your Project Folder since you last generated your e-book you will have to locate it again on the Project Files screen.
  3. Make adjustments to your books configuration and settings.
  4. Go to the Generate eBook screen
  5. Confirm your Destination File name and folder are correct.
  6. Click Generate eBook.

 The Generate eBook Screen


In this example the e-book file MyEbook.exe will be created in the D:\ folder.




Select a destination for your e-book file by clicking the button.  Enter a file name and click Save.  Your e-book file will be in .exe "executable" format with it's own self-contained viewer.  When entering your file name, be sure to keep the .exe extension at the end.

Click Check For Errors and your selections will be verified.  Any errors will be listed in the window.

Double-click an error to go to the screen where it can be corrected.

The Preview button can only be used after your e-book has been generated.

Examples of error messages

Click the Generate eBook button.

If no errors are found, you will see the message Compilation was successful.

Your e-book file is ready for distribution!


The .exe e-book file was created successfully.



When you distribute your e-book, consider compressing the .exe file into a ZIP format to conserve space.  Some e-mail programs and virus detectors could block .exe files when sending over the internet or by e-mail.  Sending in a .zip file will ease transfer.  Download Winzip to create .zip files.

 Your "Private Area" on


If you are using Advanced Authentication security method, visit your Private Area at:

From the Private Area, you can:

  • Manage and distribute your PIN codes.
  • View the status of your e-books and their registered users.
  • Disable a customer's e-book.
  • Generate the HTML script which will automate delivery of PIN codes
    from your "confirmation" page.
  • Specify your PIN code security settings, and confirmation page URL.
  • Get access eBookGold's support team.
  • Quick-start guides, tutorials and e-book samples.

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